23 October 2014

Lindsay Lohan in The West End

After Lindsay Lohan’s debut in the West End, I thought I’d take the time to look at how she did this week on the Simon Morris blog.

Even Simon Morris Occasionally Watches a Straight Play!
Whilst I usually prefer to head down on a sojourn to the West End for a day chock full of musical theatre, I sometimes wander off the beaten track and take in a straight play or two. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen The Mousetrap!

So of course, it was only a matter of time until I heard about the latest news rocking the UK’s theatre district. Lindsay Lohan is in Speed the Plow. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to see it for myself. That may have been a good thing, as the critics weren’t exactly bowled over.

What is Speed the Plough?
For any of you who don’t know, Speed the Plow is a play by David Marmet, which expertly dissects the American movie industry. It tells the story of what happens when a hugely bankable star agrees to feature in a sure fire hit; a dream come true for its producers, until their plans are derailed by temp secretary Karen.

It first debuted on Broadway in 1988, with the Queen of Pop herself, Madonna, in the pivotal role of Karen. It is the role of Karen that Lohan is currently playing, in the current incarnation of Speed the Plough, which is being put on at the Playhouse Theatre in the West End.

What are the Critics Saying?
Marmet himself has said that he is proud of the effort Lohan is putting into the role, but what are the critics saying? Well let’s just say they’re not exactly universally praising her acting ability.

The Daily Mail’s Georgina Brown, for example has said that “it was more of an unfortunate prang than a total write-off.” Meanwhile according to the BBC, critic Mark Shenton has pointed out that at one point she forgot her lines, whilst theatre critic Quentin Letts commented thatLindsay Lohan's acting is like that of a not specially gifted schoolgirl.”

Yet the same BBC article suggested that Lohan’s performance wasn’t a total car crash, as many had predicted. Fay Strang at the Daily Mirror suggested that Lohan "pulled it back after the incident with her lines, "showing she's a true professional."

It Really Could Have Been Worse
So from what the critics are saying, it doesn’t look like Lohan is winning an Oliver Award any time soon. However, I generally get the feeling that it really could have been worse. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, I’d suggest you check out the show now, while you can.


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