13 March 2014

Why is Defying Gravity the Ultimate Modern Broadway Show Tune?

Considering my love of modern classic musical ‘Wicked,’ it should be no surprise that I believe that the production’s signature song, ‘Defying Gravity,’ is the ultimate modern Broadway show tune. Let me present my case.

I realise, Simon Morris readers, that this is a hotly contested topic and that many would contest the argument. The last 50 years has seen numerous shows produce iconic numbers and classics such as ‘Don’t Cry for Me Argentina,’ ‘Memory,’ ‘Electricity,’ ‘I’ll Cover You’ and a thousand more are serious contenders for this title.

However I would contend that ‘Defying Gravity’ beats them all, and not for the reason you think. I would argue that it is the ultimate modern Broadway show tune because of the impact it has had on audiences and performers.

Of course Defying Gravity is a technically brilliant song and it bears all the hallmarks of a classic. It is a defiance anthem that comes at the end of the first half of the musical. The lead character, Elphaba, has just realised that every single dream she had was based on a lie and the song is basically her ‘screw you’ moment as she literally and figuratively defies gravity.

In a theatre it’s a real treat to watch. The number itself is full of fierce lyrics that resonate because we’ve all had that moment in our lives where we take that first brave step in going against what society expects of us. It has amazingly big belts and the production is immense as Elphaba rises up on a podium and looks like she is actually defying gravity.

However other modern Broadway anthems hold similar characteristics. ‘Electricity’ is every bit as defiant. ‘Memory’ is every bit as vocally stunning, if more melancholy. ‘Don’t Cry for Me Argentina’ is just as emotionally honest. ‘I’ll Cover You’ is equally as inspiring. However I would argue that none of the aforementioned tracks combine these elements in quite the same way that ‘Defying Gravity’ does.

This shows in the legacy the song has left. It’s a standard these days, not just of the musical theatre industry but of the entertainment industry as a whole. Everybody from Broadway starlets to TV alums to Pop divas has tried their hand at the song and that is because it is probably one of, if not the, most relatable number ever produced on a Broadway stage.

In conclusion, I believe I have presented a strong case to suggest that ‘Defying Gravity’ is the modern ultimate Broadway show tune. This is not because of each of its individually great elements but because the combination of those elements has captured an entire generation of performers. 


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